
Rabbi Hirshel Jaffe - Inspirational & Motivational Speaker


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Doing the Right Thing

A rabbi has taught that doing the right thing is a prized religious value. And recently, science has aligned with God,

Doing the right thing, the good thing, the decent thing, turns out to be good for the do-er as well. Ariana Huffngton quotes the philosopher Seneca, “No one can live happily who has regard for themselves alone.” That is the hypothesis and two thousand years later, the evidence is now coming in.

Studies demonstrate that those who volunteer feel healthier, less stressed, more joyful, and better able to connect with others. Older volunteers have less depression, a lower risk of Alzheimer’s, and a stronger sense of purpose in their later years. And a stronger sense of purpose also strengthens immune functions – volunteers may very well live longer.

Something good is happening here. Doing good for others is good for ourselves. The Book of Proverbs teaches: one who runs to do just and kind deeds; such a person achieves well-being and an increased sense of goodness and self-worth.
Looking for the model righteous person on the internet is an interesting search. If you want to learn foe righteous people in America, look for them under “humanitarian.” These are the people people out there on the front lines, who really have a passion for a cause, and want to do something meaningful and significant.

There is a legend in Jewish folklore about 36 righteous people who live somewhere on this earth at any moment. They don’t know who they are, and we don’t know who they are. But because of them the world manages to survive.

It is a great legend. Because we can all use one of the 36 every now and then. And you never know who it might be. So think about it. Do you know one? Could you be one?

To quote the rabbi “As we think of our shortcomings may we be inspired by the great ones, the righteous ones, who help so many to brighten their world and their future, and who light the way for you and me with a brilliant flame of impassioned concern that can’t help but leave its mark of goodness and hope upon us all.”

Why Am I Here? What Is My Purpose?

Why am I here? What is my purpose? How can I find meaning in my life?

A group of followers came to study with their Spiritual Leader and found him sitting and weeping. They tried to console him.

“Why are you crying?” they asked.

“When I was young, he said, “I thought I could change the world, so I set out to try. That’s how I learned that the world is a very difficult thing to change.”

“When I turned thirty, I decided that it was just as important for me to perfect my small corner of the world, so I placed all my energies into trying to improve my community and my students. That’s how learned that communities and classes cannot be made perfect.”

“At the age of forty, I set about just to change my family. I spent hours with my children trying to make them perfect. But, I learned that even families cannot be perfected.”

“When I reached my maturity, I realized that there was only one who would listen to the lessons I had been placed in the world to teach, so I set out to perfect myself. But, now I realize that even that is beyond my power.”

The students were afraid. If even the great Spiritual Leader and Teacher, could not perfect himself, what chance did they have? They turned to consoling him even more. “You have become a righteous and holy man. What you do is just and right. You should not mourn because you are not perfect After all, the Holy One doesn’t ask us to be perfect. Only the Holy One is perfect.”

“No, said he, “you misunderstand. I am not weeping because of the great blessing that has been granted to me.”

“We don’t understand. What blessing is that?” the students asked, totally confused at this point.

The Spiritual Leader answered, “All through my life, the Holy One has given me the strength to try. At each step of my life, I have been blessed to to to try to make my world a better place. I cry with joy for being given all these years in which to live this amazing journey.”
May we be granted the years to take our amazing journey, one challenge, one change, and one value at a time.

